Why need a professional to draft or review your contracts?
Why need a lawyer to draft and review your contract?
A contract is a promise or set of promises. It is often best to get an agreement in writing simply because it prevents the possibility of you going to court to claim a breach of contract.
Contracts are a way for two sides to formally memorialize their negotiated deal. In this sense, the contract is a business document. It should address terms like prices, delivery, and timetable. It provides a common reference point for the two sides. However, a contract is also a legal document. The two sides are making a legally binding agreement the law will enforce.
There are legal consequences for the side that fails to keep its promises. The contract must not only memorialize the agreement but it must be written in a way that makes the agreement enforceable in court.
While it is completely understandable that many people and businesses want to save money on legal costs and grab a few contracts off Google. However, there are many dangers that come from writing your own contract without an input of a lawyer. One of the functions of a contract is to prevent future disputes between the two sides. This requires the contract to use precise language to describe the duties and responsibilities of both parties.
Most people and businesses write contracts as if nothing will ever go wrong between the two parties because the deal is too important.
Contract lawyers have seen enough deals and have experience so that they draft and review contracts to address common issues in commercial relationships.
To write an effective contract, it is highly recommended to engage a lawyer so that the terms contained must protect your interests so that if there are any issues later, you have the law on your side.
The contract must accurately describe not only the deal but also what each side is exactly promising to do. At the same time, the contract must be written in a way that the other side will be comfortable signing it and moving forward with business. Contracts that are completely lopsided and unfair can be challenged in court.
It is critical that contracts are drafted or reviewed so that they will protect you in the event that the other side fails to keep its commitments.
When the original contract was poorly drafted, a breach of contract lawsuit usually ends badly.