An Employment Contract is also known as a/an:
Employment Agreement
Contract of Employment
Employee Contract
Job Contract
What is an Employment Contract?
An Employment Contract is what employers and employees use to clearly outline the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the parties during the work period.
Employment types include:
Permanent Full Time: A permanent full-time employee is someone who will be meeting the requirements for full time hours and who has no predetermined end date to his or her employment.
Permanent Part Time: A permanent part time employee is someone who will not be meeting the requirements for full time hours and who also has no predetermined end date to his or her employment.
Fixed Period or Term: An employee who is on a fixed period or fixed term employment has a prearranged end date to their employment. The contract automatically expires on the end date, and no notice is required from either party to end the employment at that time.
The Employment Agreement includes the following sections: position, duties, place of work, commencement date, a probation period, working hours, remuneration, overtime compensation, paid annual leave, maternity/paternity benefits, provident fund, other benefits, discipline, termination, confidentiality, patent and inventions, non-solicitation and disputes.
This employment contract may be used upon the employer hiring a junior/mid-level employee, whereby employment terms shall be expressed and signed by both parties. Different aspects of details related to the job, including the job description, period of employment, remuneration, etc should all be clearly stated in the employment agreement. Both parties should sign and return a copy, and once signed, both parties should get a copy.
To avoid any future disputes, both parties may wish to have their signatures witnessed. If either party wishes to amend the agreement in the future, both parties should agree to do so, and the original agreement and amendments should be recorded in writing and signed by both parties.